Processed 200,000+ invoices
Handled 32,000+ billing transactions
Managed 219,000+ collections

Our Finance and Payroll solutions


Enhance your procure-to-pay process

Experience a more efficient procure-to-pay process. We manage supplier payments, track expenses, and optimise cash flow, all while reducing paperwork and delays.


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Accelerate your order-to-cash process

Get your cash flowing faster with our services. We help you speed up invoice processing, reduce payment cycles, and improve collection efforts, ensuring your revenue keeps growing.


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Access record-to-report services

Gain valuable insights into your financial performance with our reporting processes. Easily access, analyse, and visualise your financial data to make informed decisions and drive business growth.


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Optimise fixed assets and inventory management

Efficiently manage your assets for maximum returns. Our asset records management solutions help you track, maintain, and optimise your asset portfolio, ensuring you get the most out of your investments.


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Streamline payroll, benefits, and claims

Simplify employee compensation and well-being. Our solutions cover precise pay calculations, easy benefits, and claims management, ensuring your employees are paid accurately and taken care of hassle-free.


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Simplify grant management

Make grants stress-free. Our solutions guide you through complex programs, ensure compliance, and maximise cost savings.


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Our Finance and Payroll solutions

Why choose us?


Tailored solutions

Get exactly what you need for seamless finance and payroll management with our tailored solutions, designed specifically for your business.

Streamlined data management

Access and organise financial information with our streamlined data management, saving you valuable time and effort.

Your data, your security

With a focus on data security, we keep your financial and payroll information safe, providing you with a sense of security and confidence.

Efficient issue tracking

Experience efficient management of requests, inquiries, incidents, and escalations. We promptly review and address these matters, ensuring a swift resolution to enhance your overall experience.

Governance and accountability

Benefit from zero high-risk audit observations and the elimination of repeated audit observations. We also conduct an annual review of controls to maintain precision and reliability in our services.

Transform today, thrive tomorrow. Let’s get started.